New Release by Oz Abstract Tokyo
Author : OJS
Posted on : Monday 08 June 2015
Dance of Life (Decor)
生者必滅の舞 - Syoujya Hitsumetsu no Mai (The Dance of Life) (The Dance of Life) The Front Side; Syoujya Hitsumetsu no Mai (生者必滅の舞), is explained in the Buddhist Impermanence. No matter how prosperous and prolific ones life may be, decline, flux, and finally perish are inevitable. Life will always end. It does not matter how enjoyable and fulfilling life may be, the idea of its inevitable ending is a constant reflection of our everyday existence. In that sense and keeping the above in mind, life`s greatness should be embraced and each moment should be seized and appreciated for its beauty. The Back Side; Reflecting on the teachings of the Buddhist Impermanence, the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound. The endless fight of ones life, winning and losing and the scramble of our existence in this world is a repeating reality through out our destiny.